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European Commission’s Blackmailing of Social Media Platform X “Violate EU Values”

Hungary Today 2024.07.29.

Kinga Gál, chair of the Fidesz Group in the European Parliament and vice-president of the Patriots for Europe (PfE), Tamás Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz Group in the European Parliament, and the French, Spanish, Austrian and Czech members of the PfE have submitted a question for written answer to the European Commission regarding the proceedings against the social media platform X.

There is serious concern that the European Commission is using EU laws to blackmail X and censor certain political opinions, writes the press release of the Fidesz Group. In mid-July, the European Commission accused X of breaching the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). In response, Elon Musk, the owner of the social networking site, said that

the Commission had previously offered them an illegal secret deal in which they offered to waive the penalty in exchange for censoring content published on the platform. Musk said that while the other platforms accepted the deal, X did not.

MEPs say that this is a cause for concern as it suggests that the European Commission is applying the EU regulation in a biased way, using blackmail to force social media platforms to censor politically undesirable content.

MEPs have asked the European Commission what exactly the content of the proposed secret deal was and

whether the Commission believes that “threatening and punishment of platforms for refusing to censor certain political opinions is in line with EU values such as the rule of law and fundamental rights.”

They also want to know how the Commission ensures that the application of the DSA does not lead to censorship of certain political opinions and the restriction on the freedom of speech.

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Featured image: Hungary Today

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