The program could be in place in the second half of next year.Continue reading
Twenty-five billion forints (EUR 61.6 million) in non-reimbursable EU funding will be available to support the purchase of equipment for general practitioners and general paediatricians in Hungary.
The development, led by the National Public Health Center and supported by the Human Resources Development Operational Program, aims to strengthen general practitioners (GP) services in Hungary’s less developed regions by providing new equipment, which is essential for diagnosis and is currently missing, to relieve the burden of specialist care.
The project aims to purchase more than 60 types of equipment, including cardiological, angiological, emergency, resuscitation bags, defibrillators, ultrasound equipment, as well as various diagnostic and therapeutic devices.
They said that the development would provide a complex service to GPs by providing equipment and operating a professional support network, which, in addition to improving the equipment fleet, could help to reduce the burden on specialist care by providing services locally for residents.
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