Historian Krisztián Ungváry said Orbán's position on the war meant the prime minister believed that ideas like national self-determination, liberty and the fight for freedom only mattered if they concerned the ruling Fidesz party.Continue reading
By 11am on Sunday, 25.77 percent of Hungary’s voters, 1,982,937 people had cast their ballots in the general election, the National Election Office (NVI) said.
Turnout at 11am was highest (28.03pc) in Békés County, in south-east Hungary, and lowest (22.22pc) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, in the north-east. Turnout in Budapest was 25.01 percent.
Turnout at the last general election four years ago was 29.93 percent, following 23.23 percent in 2014.
By 11am on Sunday, 25.46 percent of Hungary’s voters, 1,958,896 people, had cast their ballots in the referendum on what the government calls “child-protection law,” the National Election Office(NVI) said.
Turnout at 11am was highest (27.67pc) in Békés County, in south-east Hungary, and lowest (22.06pc) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, in the north-east. Turnout in Budapest was 24.77 percent.
featured image via Tamás Vasvári/MTI