"Each vote counts because a single vote can decide a single election district and a single election district can therefore decide the outcome of today's ballot," he said, calling on every Hungarian voter to participate.Continue reading
By 1pm on Sunday, 40.01 percent of Hungary’s voters, 3,078,029 people had cast their ballots in the general election, the National Election Office (NVI) said.
Turnout at 1pm was highest (42.2pc) in Pest County and lowest (35.26pc) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, in the north-east. Turnout in Budapest was 42.7 percent.
Turnout at the last general election four years ago was 42.32 percent, following 34.33 percent in 2014.
By 1pm on Sunday, 39.55 percent of Hungary’s voters, 3,043,206 people, had cast their ballots in the referendum on what the government calls “child-protection law,” the National Election Office(NVI) said.
Turnout at 1pm was highest (41.83pc) in Pest County, in central Hungary, and lowest (35.02pc) in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, in the north-east. Turnout in Budapest was 42.34 percent.
featured image via Tamás Vasvári/MTI