The crowd could be heard chanting "ruszkik haza, ruszkik haza! (Russians go home!)" the motto heard by Hungarians during the fight against Soviet rule in the Revolution of 1956.Continue reading
The united opposition has presented its joint national list for the April 3 general election, the National Election Office announced on its website on Friday evening.
The list was presented under the name DK-Jobbik-Momentum-MSZP-LMP-Párbeszéd, www.valasztas.hu said.
The list is topped by prime ministerial candidate Péter Márki-Zay, who was nominated by Párbeszéd.
He is followed by Klára Dobrev (DK), Gergely Karácsony (Párbeszéd), Péter Jakab (Jobbik), András Fekete-Győr (Momentum), Bertalan Tóth (MSZP), Péter Ungár (LMP), Ferenc Gyurcsány (DK), Dániel Zsiga-Kárpát (Jobbik) and Ágnes Vadai (DK).
If more than two parties present a joint national list for the general election, they should score at least 15 percent of votes to win seats in parliament.
featured image via Péter Márki-Zay’s Facebook page