On the subject of the upcoming election, Novák said the vote would be crucial "amid threats of war, pandemic, and serious challenges for the global economy and international politics."Continue reading
President-elect Katalin Novák posted on her social media page after the election results. In the short post, Novák thanked everyone who participated in the election and congratulated all elected MPs.
This article was originally published on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
“A big win: a big responsibility. Thank you to everyone who participated in the election. Congratulations to all elected deputies!” Novák wrote in her post.
Former Fidesz vice president and family minister, Katalin Novák, was elected as Hungary’s next president on March 10 with a two-thirds majority in the Hungarian parliament.
Featured image: President-elect Katalin Novák casts her vote in the parliamentary election and child protection referendum with her son Ádám Veres at the polling station in Farkasréti Primary School. Photo by Szilárd Koszticsák/MTI