"It’s not a profession, it’s a vocation, it’s my duty to do that," says world famous Hungarian soprano Andrea Rost about music.Continue reading
The Eiffel Workshop of the Hungarian State Opera House was opened in Budapest on Monday evening.
Addressing the opening, Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister’s chief of staff, called the Eiffel Workshop “one of the biggest cultural developments in the capital and the country this decade”.
Gulyás said the more than 33 billion forints (EUR 90.4m) investment to refurbish the 33,000sqm cultural centre and its 3-hectare park was “the first important step” in Hungary’s cultural developments that would be followed by the completion of the new Transport Museum and a music education centre.
The Eiffel Workshop can help lift Hungarian opera on the international scene, Gulyás said. “This is also an important moment in strengthening our cultural identity,” he said.
Photos by Balázs Mohai/MTI