Donald Trump is historically notable as the first former US president to be indicted in a criminal case.Continue reading
Donald Trump Jr., son of former President Donald J. Trump, spoke about his work and his take on Hungarian politics during an event organized by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC). The American businessman was on a visit to the Hungarian capital at the invitation of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK).
Mr. Trump started his address by praising the MCC’s role in education and for being a counterbalance to the radical left. He said the college is “doing an amazing job”, because it manages to be a place for ideas as compared to the “insanity of the other side”. He pointed out that one of the greatest things that his father, former President Donald Trump brought to the public sphere was to expose how “crazy and radical” the American left is.
Speaking about the current presidential election, he said as a patriot and father of his children he cannot think of a single metric where the United States is better off than it was 4 years ago. He pointed at his own experience when he reminded his audience about the fact that he was forced to go through 50 hours of congressional testimony against accusations for treason. Referring to the recent legal cases surrounding President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, he jokingly mentioned that if it was his laptop containing all the evidence about illegal and embarrassing behavior, then his own father, Donald Trump would have sent him personally to the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
Funny, I seem to have missed all the sympathetic articles towards my dad when scumbags dems had me do 50 hours of congressional testimony for treason (a crime punishable by death) in their totally made up Russia Hoax. Guess I missed the papers that day?!? https://t.co/501zlEGFIf
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 12, 2024
In his view, what transpired during the showtrials against him and his father was just how “ridiculous” these were, especially after Donald Trump has been convicted on more counts than infamous Chicago gangster Al Capone. And yet, his popularity still went up, because people understood that these were simply showtrials, remarked Trump Jr.
He spoke about the time he spent in former Czechoslovakia as a child, since his mother, Ivanka Trump, was a native of the country. He reminisced about an incident when he was pulled out of a line by a soldier with a rifle on his shoulder when he was five, who asked him whether he intends to do imperialist propaganda, simply because he had jeans on. This is when he understood how blessed they were growing up in a free society in America.
Donald Trump Jr. Photo: Hungary Today
He spoke about how at one point he felt it necessary to enter the political process, when he witnessed how radical the other side has become. The American left went much further than most people have anticipated, and Donald Trump exposed that during his presidency. Such as when the Trump campaign in 2016 was being accused of colluding with Russia during the elections. He expressed his disappointment with the FBI, because they were meant to be the ones who upheld the law, like the police, and instead they engaged in such a misinformation campaign only to maintain the Democrats in power.
People who scream about fascism today, do not understand what it is, he continued. They are unwittingly acting like fascism themselves.
They “bastardize” every institution, exploit every legal loophole, jail their opponents, silence free speech, collude with big tech companies that now behave like their marketing department.
The American businessman called President Biden’s term a “disaster”. But now, reality is so warped that even people who do not traditionally support Republicans understand that if they can do this to Donald Trump, then no one is really safe in America. The left’s narrative has failed again and again, but they still weaponized themselves for power. The economy was going well under Trump, peace deals were signed in the Middle East, the border was under control, the Fentanyl crisis was being managed too. But Joe Biden went to change all that. Donald Trump spoke to the head of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and stopped the carnage that was running for twenty years. He said that military leaders had shown the Taliban leader a satellite image of his house, and explained what could happen if another American dies. Donald Trump Junior called the U.S. withdrawal as one of the most shameful experiences of his life.
Prime Minister @PM_ViktorOrban hosted businessman @DonaldJTrumpJr, the son of the former U.S. President @realDonaldTrump, in Budapest. The visit focused on discussions about the future of Hungarian-American relations, the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war, and opportunities… pic.twitter.com/oEuqblaVND
— Zoltan Kovacs (@zoltanspox) June 13, 2024
He recalled how his father President Trump also met the North Korean leader, to challenge the long-standing status quo. But, as he called it, an “idiocy” has taken over the left, and it is now being taught to children in schools, to students in universities. After the Afghan withdrawal, for instance, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he was dismayed that after the withdrawal the Taliban government did not install a more “inclusive” government. In Mr. Trump Jr.’s view, he made a “fool of himself” with such statements.
From his personal experience he recalled that living now in New York, even he as a son of a Manhattan billionaire, is shocked at prices he finds on stickers in grocery stores. But because Americans are not buying what he called “Biden’s lies” any longer, the White House has decided to importing millions of foreigners who they hope will believe them.
Speaking about his visit, he called Budapest “fantastic”, and he attributed its orderly state to the lack of illegal mass migration, not importing people into the country who do not believe in what the rest of society holds as sacred. He said, the results of the Hungarian government speak for themselves.
In Mr. Trump’s view, in Western societies there is now a certain fear of reprisals for those who hold conservative values. Yet there is a change going on, he opined – today being a conservative is becoming “pop culture”, meaning its is becoming trendy. To be a rebel is now to be a conservative. The young do not believe in the indoctrination any longer, they are coming back to the fold of common sense on their own today.
If we can effectuate this kind of change, it gives me great hope for the future of Western civilization. If we cannot, then we are in trouble”,
said Mr. Trump.
Speaking about his father’s recent court trial he emphasized that the jury that matters is not the one that convicted Trump, but the one that will vote in November during the Presidential election. “We are winning, but we have a lot to overcome”.
Donald Trump Jr. with MCC Director Zoltán Szalai (R) Photo: Hungary Today
Asked about why he entered the realm of politics he replied that he does not have an official role as a politician, “I just fight”, he said. He emphasized that he is unafraid of having the conversations that are necessary to have, just like his father, Donald Trump, whom he called a “blue collar billionaire” for his ability to work closely with working-class people.
The Democrats understand, that they have nothing to run on in their presidential campaign with Joe Biden, they have no successes in the past four years to refer to. They are not acknowledging the losses they have occurred and want to retain power at all cost, even at the expense of jailing their opponents. If this was happening in Zimbabwe, the international community would call for regime change. But it is happening in America. This has inevitably turned Trump into a martyr, Mr. Trump remarked.
Asked about whether he sees anything positive about the Biden presidency, he replied by saying that the only positive thing about Biden is that he exposed how “crazy” the left’s ideology is. In Mr. Trump’s view, Joe Biden is not in control of his presidency, he is an “empty suit”, he signs everything that is put in front of him. As an example he brought up the the transgender day of awareness on Easter Sunday that the President signed on the day of the greatest Christian holiday.
Donald Trump Jr. Photo: Hungary Today
The system is corrupted, Donald Trump has exposed it, he continued. There is a network financed by oligarch George Soros with 100% certainty, there are the dark money groups, such that are defunding the police in America. There is a lot of nefarious money spent during these races for public positions. If the Republicans did what the Democrats are doing, they would go to jail, he opined.
In his view, if Donald Trump is elected, things will happen much faster than before. He is not such an outsider as he was at the start of his first term. Now he knows who to trust and therefore he will be more effective. This is precisely what the other side understands and fears.
Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Donald Trump Jr. mocked the upcoming peace summit in Switzerland for not inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin. In his view, it is absurd to try to find a solution for the crisis without one of the warring sides. He reminded that to date no one has articulated what victory would look like in Ukraine, yet all sides are sending hundreds of thousands of young people to the front as cannon fodder. In Mr Trump’s view, the enemies of America see Joe Biden’s weakness, his old age, and that is why they dare to attack in numerous parts of the world. If Donald Trump does not win in the upcoming Presidential elections, then the war in Ukraine could go on indefinitely. There is no money in peace, hinted Mr. Trump at the U.S. arms industry’s alleged interests in a continued conflict in Eastern-Europe.
Donald Trump Jr. Photo: Hungary Today
Asked by MCC director Zoltán Szalai what would he advise Hungarians to do in the midst of numerous conflicts with the EU leadership he replied, “Hungary, do not stop!”. He called Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán one of the great leaders of our time, and said Hungary, because of its resistance against the left’s radicalism, has become the last hope of Europe. Americans see Europe essentially as a lost continent, he continued: low birthrate and uncontrolled migration are the main reason for this.
Turning his attention to U.S. Ambassador David Pressman, he said that the choice of this type of person for the post is no coincidence. He described his political activism as a “flagrant attack”, and called the ambassador as essentially “undiplomatic”. He has envisaged change in this post should Donald Trump win the elections in November.
Finally, he also spoke about the upcoming November elections. In his view, if this was a fair election, Donald Trump would win with a “blowout”. However, there are suspicious things going on, such as millions of postal votes and lack of IDs, which leads to anomalies such as Joe Biden’s popularity registering much higher in some electoral districts than Barack Obama’s were in 2012. In his opinion, his father’s opponents do not intend to play fair in the elections.
For democracy to exist, there must be a bond with the people. However, the Biden camp does not care about this any more.
We must fight like we were ten points behind, closed his words at the MCC Budapest Donald Trump Jr.
Featured Image: Hungary Today