Direkt36's investigation suggests that the targeting is likely to be the result of a conflict within Hungary’s law enforcement agencies.Continue reading
The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) demands to see not only contracts linked to the Pegasus surveillance software but also the authorisations and files linked to individual cases, the party’s deputy group leader said on Monday.
Ágnes Vadai told an online press conference that according to a report on internet news portal Direkt36, the leaders of the force tasked with guarding the president and his family had been among the targets of the Israeli spy software in 2019.
She cited reports stating that the targets included senior presidential guards who had access to the most detailed information about the official and private programmes of President János Áder and his family members.
The “latest spy scandal” is one of the most shocking developments in the “Orbán era of the past 12 years”, Vadai said. “What could justify the party state spying on its own president through his guards?”, she asked.
“Since Áder is in possession of all information linked to national security, one wonders where the acquired information went and who used it,” she added.
featured image via Tamás Kovács/MTI