"We have had a very close military partnership for thirty years," said Brigadier General Matthew S. Woodruff.Continue reading
The Hungarian Defense Forces have started a large-scale increase in the number of territorial defense reservists, the commander of the Territorial Defense Forces Command of the Defense Forces said on Saturday at the Tatárszentgyörgy (central Hungary) shooting range.
Brigadier General László Drót, speaking at the training and live-fire shooting of soldiers in the Territorial Defense Reserve, noted that the Hungarian Defense Forces started setting up the reserve personnel system in 2017. He added that last year, seven Territorial Defense Reserve Regiments were formed, with 21 battalions serving in their units.
“We are available in all areas of the country,” the brigadier general added. László Drót explained that the command of the Territorial Defense Forces was established in 2023 with the aim of supervising and directing the operations of the seven regiments.
We have reached the point where the system itself is ready to receive a larger number of reserve personnel,”
he noted.
As he said, the target audience for recruitment is the 18-55 age group. He added that the candidates will receive various benefits: a one-off gross payment of HUF 150,000 (EUR 380 / 1 EUR=394.5) upon signing a contract, and a gross monthly availability payment of HUF 50,000. Students in higher education are entitled to a gross monthly grant of HUF 160,000 and students in vocational training to a gross monthly grant of HUF 110,000, provided they undertake service during their studies. In addition, those who bring with them another reservist are entitled to a HUF 500,000 gross referral bonus.
Photo: Honvedelem.hu
The commander of the Territorial Defense Forces Command said that contracts are usually concluded for five years. In the first year, 25 days of training, in the following years 15 days, and in the following years 7 days of mandatory training, will bring the reservists to the level where they are adequately prepared for the armed defense of the country.
Via MTI, Featured image: Honvedelem.hu