Hungary aims to develop its defense industry with agreements with large companies, such as Rheinmetall and Airbus Helicopters.Continue reading
Colonel Dr. Tamás Bali, Commander of the Defense Forces’ Kiss József 86th Helicopter Brigade, held an annual assessment and task-setting meeting, writes Honvédelem.hu. The Commander praised the work of the staff and recalled the developments, including the construction of the new hangar complex and the arriving helicopters.
In his assessment of the year 2023, Colonel Tamás Bali commemorated his comrades Captain Ádám Radnai, First Lieutenant Dávid Konrád, and Ensign Tamás Lőrincz who died in the Croatian air disaster in the line of duty.
Colonel Dr. Tamás Bali. Photo via honvedelem.hu
Evaluating the tasks accomplished in the past year, the Commander said that he was proud of the members of his staff, as the soldiers of the helicopter brigade performed to a high standard both in exercises and during training tasks. He particularly highlighted and thanked them for their assistance during the flooding in Slovenia, and for their participation in disaster relief missions with H145M helicopters.
The H145M helicopter. Photo via honvedelem.hu
Regarding the developments concerning the brigade, he stressed that the construction of the first phase of the hangar complex had started. This is an important investment, because the ever-expanding fleet of the helicopter brigade means that a lot of emphasis must also be placed on infrastructure development.
The main purpose of the hangar complex is to ensure that the existing and incoming equipment can be serviced in suitable conditions.
Last year, six new H225M helicopters were delivered to the Defense Forces and ten more are expected in the near future.
Among this year’s goals, the commander highlighted the importance of national defense standby, search and rescue services, the promotion of infrastructure development, the operational capability of aircrews, the improvement of aero-technical knowledge, participation in recruitment campaigns, and the quality of the camps of the Honvéd Cadet Program. He also mentioned the CISM World Military Parachuting Championships to be held in Szolnok (central Hungary) in July, which as in 2018, is expected to attract a large number of participants.
Photo via Facebook/Magyar Honvédség
Via honvedelem.hu; Featured image via honvedelem.hu