Hospitals are treating 7,596 Covid patients, 513 of whom are on ventilators.Continue reading
Since last Friday, the number of patients on ventilators has fallen significantly, at least at first glance. Unfortunately, however, the number of patients in critical condition has not decreased. A doctor explained to 444 that there has been a centralized change in hospital data reporting.
Since last Friday, the number reduced from 695 to 538 by Monday morning. (On Saturdays and Sundays the government does not publish coronavirus data). This represents a reduction of more than 20 percent. Meanwhile, both the number of new cases and the number of people being treated in hospitals have risen significantly.
According to 444, there have been times before when a number in the daily report has been written incorrectly, and then it was either corrected the same day or it was as though nothing had happened the next day. But that is probably not what happened this time, although no statements were made in the morning report, the website notes.
A doctor wrote to the government-critical portal that there had been a central change in hospital reporting, “…and only those who are ventilated invasively (intubated, through a tube inserted into the windpipe) can now be marked as ventilated patients. Patients who need to be assisted non-invasively (e.g. oxygen mask or other means, but by machine) to breathe can no longer be reported as ventilated. It is less descriptive of the situation of covid care in Hungary, but it looks better on paper.”
The website contacted the Coronavirus Press Center and they answered the following:
“In order to organize health protection and hospital care against the epidemic, the Operational Staff has asked hospitals to provide more uniformed and detailed data than ever before. Hospitals will of course be required to provide data on both invasive (prolonged mechanical ventilation with intensive therapy for severe respiratory distress, intubation) and non-invasive (ventilation only through a mask attached to the patient’s face) patients.
As stated in this morning’s data release: 7,438 patients with coronavirus are currently hospitalized, 538 of whom are on ventilators (i.e. invasive ventilation).”
Featured image via Károly Árvai/MTI/kormany.hu