Audi Hungaria employs 11,663 people as of December 2023, making it the largest employer in the region.Continue reading
The management of steel giant Liberty Dunaújváros (formerly Dunaferr, in central Hungary) held talks on Thursday with representatives of Audi Hungaria on future cooperation.
According to the statement, the purpose of the visit was to establish contacts and to start discussions between the companies on future cooperation. Audi was able to learn about Liberty’s long-term plans for its steel products for international automotive use, as well as the steel mill’s plans for the production of Greensteel over the next few years. The guests – including Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Audi Hungaria – were given a tour of the hot-rolling mill at the ironworks after the introductory meeting.
Ajay Aggarwal, European Chairman of Liberty Steel Group, was quoted in the statement as stressing the great potential for all parties in the wider cooperation. He said that
Liberty has already been successful in producing high quality, specialized products for the automotive industry
and they believe that their steel plant in Dunaújváros can be at the heart of a green revolution in the automotive industry, leading to even greater reductions in vehicle emissions.
Liberty Steel Group is part of the GFG Alliance, a global network of businesses and investments owned by Sanjeev Gupta and his family. In addition to Liberty, the GFG Alliance is built on two other core industrial brands, Alvance Aluminium Group and SIMEC Energy Group, which are independent but share the same values and a common goal of creating a sustainable future for industry and society. The GFG Alliance employs around 35,000 people in 30 countries and generates revenues of more than USD 20 billion.
Entrance of the former Dunaferr. Photo via Wikipedia
Liberty Dunaújváros is part of the Liberty Steel Group, that has global sales of USD 11 billion, a total rolling capacity of more than 20 million tons, more than 200 production sites in 13 countries worldwide, and employs around 28,000 people. Last August, Liberty Steel of India won the tender for the new companies that will own the steel assets of Dunaferr in Dunaújváros, which is in liquidation.
Via MTI; Featured image via Pexels