The applications received so far amount to HUF 18.1 billion.Continue reading
Since February last year, companies in Hungary can apply for a grant of HUF 2.8-4 million (EUR 6,800-9,700) per vehicle for the purchase of a pure electric car, van or minibus. The green transport promotion scheme is open until the end of March, the Ministry of Energy announced on its official Facebook page.
Over two-thirds of the HUF 30 billion (EUR 72.7 million) budget was put out to tender last year, half of it was contracted and nearly a fifth has already been paid out to the successful applicants. In 2024, some 4,600 companies applied for a total of nearly HUF 21 billion (EUR 50.8 million) to buy 5,400 cars. The easing of the conditions for participation at the end of October led to an increase of more than one and a half times in all three indicators. The most popular vehicle category is passenger cars, accounting for more than three quarters of applications.
BYD was the clear winner in the brand competition in the run-up to New Year’s Eve, with more than 1,300 applications.
Runner-up Tesla had more than 800 applications last year, while Volvo came third with over 400. Hyundai, Cenntro, Volkswagen and Nissan received over 200 applications.
The government is supporting the spread of electromobility with around HUF 60 billion (EUR 145 million) in two programs. The other call for proposals helps bring rural charging networks closer to national coverage.
Over 68,000 pure electric cars have already been registered in Hungary.
The most environmentally friendly fleet has increased nine-fold in the country since the beginning of 2020.
This rapid growth has also contributed to a 7 percent decline in transport greenhouse gas emissions in 2023, after a steady rise in the past. The Ministry of Energy expects that 120,000 pure electric vehicles could be on Hungarian roads as early as next year.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Energiaügyi Minisztérium