Hungary aims to recycle 90 percent of the glass, metal, and plastic bottles beverage products within three years.Continue reading
The new return system could increase the collection rate of single-use glass, plastic, and aluminium beverage bottles from the current level of around 40% to over 90%, the CEO of MOHU MOL Waste Management Zrt. said on Tuesday.
Zsolt Pethő presented the operation and key features of the large-scale bottle return machines at the MOHU site. As the CEO explained, it was important for them, on the one hand, to develop a system with nationwide coverage and convenient use, and on the other hand, to recycle bottles from the waste collected by means of vending machines and manual return.
The investment cost of the entire return network, which MOL is providing from its own resources, amounts to around HUF 50 billion (EUR 132 million), including the production and installation of the machines and the operation of the IT system.
1,000 bottle return machines have already been installed in shops with a floor area of more than 400 square meters, but this number is increasing every week.
It is estimated that between 4 – 5,000 return points will be set up in the country in the next period and that the same number of people will also be able return them manually. The latter option will only start in the spring next year. Although the law only requires shops with a floor area of more than 400 square meters to have a bottle return machine, MOHU is proposing to install them in shops with a floor area of more than 200 square meters.
Photo: MTI/Hegedüs Róbert
From January 1, 2024, customers will be able to find these vending machines in most shops with a floor area of 400 square meters or more. Only some of the bottles, PET bottles and aluminium cans that can be placed in these machines will bear the logo indicating the return, as manufacturers have been provided with a preparation period until June 2024.
It is important that customers do not squeeze the product placed in the machine, as it can only accept undamaged bottles.
Customers can get a voucher from the vending machine for returning a bottle with a logo, which can be redeemed or exchanged for cash. Alternatively, the money can be donated to charity, and from the spring, an app will allow customers to transfer the money directly to their bank account.
Via MTI, Featured image: MTI/Hegedüs Róbert