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CoE: Further Regulations Needed for Virtual Currencies in Hungary

MTI-Hungary Today 2022.05.04.

Moneyval, the Council of Europe’s expert body against money laundering, called for stricter regulations for virtual currencies in a report published in Strasbourg on Wednesday, noting that Hungary had further improved its regulations but had still not fully implemented international rules on virtual currencies and service providers.

The body said Hungary is still being monitored and is required to present an annual report. Hungary has been scrutinized since September 2016 in terms of the efficacy of its measures taken against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

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This does not mean, of course, that EU citizens should completely abandon these virtual currencies, as Matolcsy says, " EU citizens and companies would be allowed to own cryptocurrencies abroad and regulators will track their holdings.”Continue reading

More generally, the body called for stricter rules for service providers, including attorneys and accountants that are in a position to assist in illegal financial transactions and tax evasion. The practice of using cryptocurrencies poses a serious challenge, while conventional controls cannot be applied and member states show limited efficiency in their fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, Moneyval said.

Featured photo via Pixabay

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