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Hungary has concluded an agreement with Beijing that provides for “cooperation in judicial and security matters,” wrote German newspaper, Die Welt. In February, China’s Minister of Public Security, Wang Xiaohong, met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Interior Minister Sandor Pinter. Now, police officers from the two countries will be able to patrol together, the Ministry of Interior told Telex.
Sándor Pintér agreed with the Chinese Minister of Public Security in mid-February that Hungarian and Chinese police officers will carry out joint patrol duties. The Ministry of Interior confirmed to Telex that
police officers from the two countries will be able to jointly carry out patrol duties in the future, thus helping to improve communication between citizens and authorities of the two countries, improving internal security and public order.”
The cooperation agreement is aimed at improving security in tourist areas of the two countries during peak tourist periods and generally during events that attract large crowds, according to the Ministry of Interior.
Budapest is a popular destination for Chinese tourists. Photo via Pixabay
As Világgazdaság points out, it is worth noting that according to the 2022 census, there were 18,154 people of Chinese nationality living in Hungary, compared to less than 10,000 ten years earlier. Estimates of their actual number are much higher. Chinese citizens living in the country typically only have Chinese citizenship.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Interior emphasized that “The conclusion of similar agreements is not unprecedented. Hungarian police officers also assist their Croatian colleagues on the Croatian coast during the peak tourist season, and Austrian police officers have already been on joint duty with their Hungarian colleagues at Lake Balaton.”
Moreover, there is much to suggest a similarity to an agreement that China has already concluded with Serbia. There, Chinese police officers are already officially allowed to patrol cities in order to monitor areas popular with Chinese tourists.
The cities concerned, the number of police officers involved, peak tourist periods, and the locations will be determined by the enforcement bodies, taking into account the organization of the service.
Via Die Welt, Telex; Featured image via Facebook/Magyar Rendőrség