The police tried to stop the car, but the driver did not stop, probably due to the fact that he was carrying illegal migrants.Continue reading
Almost every month in Hungary, there is news of a car chase in which police officers chase a smuggler carrying migrants. In the latest case, a Moldovan man fled for kilometers from the police in Szeged, and a video was made, reported online local news site Szegeder.
Several police cars with sirens blaring chased a fleeing smuggler in Szeged in southern Hungary as he sped along the city’s quay. Witnesses said the car, with Polish plates, was swaying a little but still doing about 90 km/h, and some said the driver may have hit another car. According to reports, the chase ended on the outskirts of Szeged, Tápé, when the driver jumped out of his car and ran into a wooded area, but was caught by police shortly afterwards. There is no information yet on whether there were any migrants in the car.
Usually, these chases occur on motorways in Hungary, but recently, there are cases when migrant smugglers are not afraid to enter cities, ending up wreaking havoc there with their car. In December, a car chase was reported by the police, when the smuggler drove into Budapest to escape from police. While fleeing, the van hit three cars in Budaörs and seven cars in Budapest on three streets, and even ran into a police car. The police finally managed to force the driver to stop in the 1st district, and even though he fled the scene, he was fortunately caught by police.
As the above cases show, migration pressure is not easing in Hungary, with illegal migrants continuing to arrive en masse at the southern border and being transported onwards by people smugglers to Western Europe. The Hungarian government has already spent billions on border protection, but they believe that not everyone is doing this, even though it would be greatly needed.
Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Ministry of Interior, attended the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Stockholm on Thursday, and told MTI that the meeting again discussed illegal migration. He reiterated that
Hungary does not believe that Europe’s gates should be opened, but that Europe’s borders should be protected.
He added that Hungary sees a huge danger in the statement of the new head of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), because as they see, Hans Leijtens did not want to focus on protecting Europe’s borders but on providing legal information to migrants arriving illegally. According to the Secretary of State, Hans Leijtens did not talk about how the EU agency created for border protection should protect Europe’s borders, but that Frontex border guards should not perform the classic border protection task, and explicitly attacked the turning back of illegal immigrants at the border.
It is quite absurd that people who are there to protect the border are not there to protect the border, not to turn back those who want to cross the green border illegally, but to provide legal assistance on how to enter the country,”
he pointed out.
Rétvári also said that it was considered odious that a Dutch person had been appointed head of Frontex, because the Netherlands does not have a land border affected by migration. He added that it would have been better if the new head of the border agency had come from a country closer to the border on the migration route.
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