In Foreign Minister Szijjártó's opinion, the strength of the EU is based on the freshness of newcomers.Continue reading
The Hungarian EU Presidency’s policy of promoting the enlargement process in the Western Balkans enjoys the full support of the Central European countries, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in Ljubljana on Tuesday.
The Minister stressed at a press conference following the C5 (Central Five) foreign ministers’ meeting of the Central European countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia) that Hungary’s EU presidency this year will take place at a difficult time. He pointed out, on the one hand, that there will be European elections, for which all the countries present have high expectations, even if they differ. On the other hand, he said, the continent is going through a challenging year, the Community is in bad shape, and further deterioration must be prevented. To do this, he believes, security must be strengthened and the European Union must be given a new impetus: these will be the central objectives of the Hungarian Presidency, starting in July.
In the latter context, Minister Szijjártó said that
the integration of the Western Balkan states could bring fresh energy to the EU, and in this respect the Central European Member States have a special responsibility.
He noted that the countries of the region openly and genuinely support enlargement, while several other players publicly present themselves as being in favor of it, but in fact only hinder the process. He stressed that as the real supporters are thus in a minority, the countries of Central Europe must join forces to promote the cause. In this context, he welcomed the fact that his colleagues all agree with the government’s objectives in this area and that the Hungarian EU Presidency’s enlargement policy thus enjoys the full support of Central Europe. “We Hungarians will do our utmost to bring the Western Balkan countries closer to the European Union,” he underlined.
In the context of restoring security, Szijjártó said that
the fight against illegal immigration must be stepped up, the causes of which must be tackled locally, and the protection of external borders must be strengthened, as Hungary has done.
He stressed the importance of dismantling networks of people smugglers, recalling that there have been several instances of criminals and migrants shooting at border guards. The politician also noted that the so-called “pull factor” of migration must be weakened and that it must be made clear that mandatory resettlement quotas have this effect.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Szijjártó Péter