March, although there were several shots of fireballs, is not famous for meteors, Időkép reports.Continue reading
It will be a spectacular celestial event as the four brightest planets – Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn – and the Moon will be visible in rows one after the other in the morning sky over the next few days.
This article was originally published on our sister-site, Ungarn Heute.
The phenomenon is best observed just before sunrise (between 4:45 and 5 a.m.) when the Sun is not yet fully illuminated but the planets are already high enough in the sky.
The Moon is brightest, followed by Venus and Jupiter, while Mars and Saturn are faintest. However, the bright appearance may be disturbed by the background sky behind the lower planets, becoming brighter earlier, according to the Svábhegy Observatory website.
The International Space Station (ISS) will also pay tribute to the planets by being visible in the morning sky on April 25, 26, and 27. On May 1, a rare close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus will be observable.
Source: Index
Featured image: Venus, the Moon, and Jupiter (from left to right) photographed near Salgótarján at dawn on January 31, 2019. Photo by Péter Komka/MTI