The Prime Minister Orders 5% Savings for State-Owned Companies Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has decreed a 5% reduction in state company expenses this year, focusing primarily on personnel costs,... 2024.08.01.
Half the Budget now Allocated under the Popular E-car Support Program Over 3,400 companies have applied for support to purchase green vehicles, and the applications received so far cover more than... 2024.08.01.
Strengthening Sovereignty and the Economy with Focusing on Defense Industry Starting on August 1, 2024, the Ministry for National Economy (NGM) will assume ownership of N7 Holding Zrt., marking a... 2024.08.01.
1B Export Surplus Despite Trade Slowdown In May, Hungary's trade surplus in goods was EUR 1.0 billion, down EUR 218M from last year, according to the... 2024.08.01.
South Korean SK Group Merger to Benefit the Company’s Hungarian Battery Factories The South Korean parent companies of SK On Hungary, which has three battery factories in the country, are expected to... 2024.08.01.
German Brands Dominate the Domestic Used Car Market Experts from Használtautó.hu, a portal that covers the entire Hungarian market in terms of number of ads and visits, looked... 2024.07.31.
Foreign Minister Szijjártó Blasts EU Inaction on Ukraine’s Oil Blockade Why has the European Commission not taken any action against Ukraine over the ban on oil deliveries in more than... 2024.07.31.
Mercedes-Benz Kecskemét Plant Lays Off 100 Temporary Workers Mercedes-Benz’s Kecskemét (Central Hungary) plant has changed from three to two shifts daily operation starting in July due to transitioning... 2024.07.30.
Industrial Solar Energy Production Hits Record High The peak production of industrial solar power plants has been broken again. The total production of solar systems above 50... 2024.07.30.
Cutting-edge Ammunition Factory Inaugurated in Várpalota From now on, Hungary will be self-sufficient in the production of 30 millimeter medium caliber ammunition, Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky... 2024.07.30.
Chinese Ambassador Reacts to Polish Minister’s Insinuations about Sovereignty Ambassador Gong Tao During a press briefing on Monday at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Budapest,... 2024.07.30.
“Taking and Holding Ground will Remain a Key Military Task”: Interview with Rheinmetall Hungary CEO, Paul Walf The Hungary Today team had recently visited Rheinmetall's new manufacturing facility near Zalaegerszeg, Western Hungary, to celebrate the unveiling of... 2024.07.27.
Successful Summer Harvest Secures Crops Supply and Export Surplus The summer harvest concluded on July 24 with minimal adverse effects, and storage capacity is sufficient for this year’s crops.... 2024.07.26.
EU Spokesman: Ukraine’s Oil Block “Not a Problem” There is no issue for either Hungary or Slovakia regarding Ukraine's imposition of oil supply restrictions on the Russian company... 2024.07.26.
Statistical Office Reports Surging Salaries in May In May this year, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were HUF 652,000 (EUR 1,657), with average net earnings,... 2024.07.25.
Bulgaria Reaches Out to Hungary After Ukraine Closes Tap on Russian Oil Bulgaria has offered to assist Hungary in overcoming the challenges posed by Ukraine's ban on oil supplies from Russia's Lukoil,... 2024.07.25.
Agreement Signed with Romania on Connecting Szeged and Timisoara by Rail Hungary and Romania have signed a transport agreement under which they will start preparations for the construction of a railway... 2024.07.25.
Nuclear, Solar, and Automotive Industries Lead the Way To Growth Hungary's long-term economic growth is driven by transitions in the nuclear, solar energy, and automotive industries, according to Minister of... 2024.07.25.
Hungarians Are Becoming more Financially Aware, Survey Finds The financial situation of Hungarians has improved compared to the previous year in several respects: the number of those who... 2024.07.24.
Heatwave Slashes Expected Crop Yields Across Southeastern Europe The European Commission's Joint Research Center (JRC) has issued its July analysis of arable crops, highlighting significant impacts from the... 2024.07.24.
Rheinmetall Unveils First (and Second) Hungarian-manufactured Lynx IFV Rheinmetall Hungary has unveiled its first Hungarian-manufactured Infantry Fighting Vehicle at their manufacturing facility in Western Hungary's Zalaegerszeg. The Lynx... 2024.07.24.