Slovakia wants to improve cross-border connections, said the Slovak Transport Minister.Continue reading
The municipalities of Banská Bystrica Region (Besztercebányai kerület) and Nógrád County are organizing bus services between the regions, as discussed in the County Hall of Nógrád in Salgótarján on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by representatives of Hungarian transport company Volánbusz and integrated transport company of Banská Bystrica.
On the Hungarian side, the services would cover Balassagyarmat, Ipolytarnóc, Salgótarján and Cered in Nógrád, and Bánrév in Borsod County, while on the Slovakian side, they would cover Rimavská Sobota (Rimaszombat), Lučenec (Losonc), Veľký Krtíš (Nagykürtös) and Tornaľa (Tornalja), as announced at a press conference following the meeting.
They said that
the development of the public transport system would be completed in two years, with the first services starting next spring at the earliest.
However, they could not yet say how frequent the services would be and how much they would cost.
Ondrej Lunter, head of the County Council of Banská Bystrica Region, stressed that both parties would finance their own commitments and that a budget would have to be worked out that would suit both municipalities, as it was known that the operation would be loss-making. He recalled that the regions had been linked for a long time and then the region was divided by the “Trianon border,” affecting travel, trade and people-to-people contacts.
Nándor Skuczi, president of the Nógrád County Assembly, stressed that the aim is to strengthen economic, trade, social, cultural and tourist links, and that the key to this is to connect transport infrastructure.
Via MTI, Featured image: Wikipedia