Professor Frank Füredi takes the fight for free speech to a contested geographic location.Continue reading
MCC Brussels’ Executive Director Frank Füredi and Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvégi discussed the corruption scandal rocking Brussels in a video published by the Brussels branch of Hungary’s leading talent promotion institution.
According to Hidvéghi, the current scandal is a textbook case of corruption, because outside forces had bought influence in the European institutions. He noted that NGOs were also involved, even though these organizations often portray themselves as the defenders of the rule of law and human rights.
Füredi thinks that there are two scandals, the first of which is the corruption scandal, which in his opinion, is connected to the fact that MEPs and officials in the EU bubble often think that they are above the law. The second is about the NGOs, he went on, adding that Hungary is often criticized by such organizations regarding corruption and the rule of law.
Featured photo via the European Parliament