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Brussels Gives Hungary Two Months to Change Their Laws About Firearms

Hungary Today 2025.03.13.

The European Commission may launch infringement proceedings against Hungary if the country fails to properly transpose directives on the possession of firearms and on alarm and signal weapons, reported Világgazdaság.

The firearms directive, that requires strict rules on the possession of weapons, whether they are used for hunting or sporting, should have been transposed into Hungarian law by December 14, 2019. For the other directive, that sets rules against the lethal conversion of blank guns, the deadline was January 17, 2020.

The main point is “to better prevent their illegal conversion into lethal firearms.”


Hungary has the strictest laws on the acquisition and possession of weapons among the EU Member States, Attila Nagy, an independent forensic weapons expert, told Magyar Nemzet. The law sets out a number of reasons that make it impossible to keep a gun, for instance, a person under guardianship or with a criminal record that excludes the capacity to act cannot obtain a permit.

The applicant’s suitability is assessed in several stages: the applicant is assessed by a general practitioner, then the person must undergo a psychological examination by a specialist psychologist and a weapons knowledge test is also essential for obtaining a firearms license. If someone wants a self-defense weapon, the reason must be well justified.

According to the Committee, Hungarian legislation on the life-cycle, technical specifications and penalties of firearms, ammunition and alarm weapons does not comply with the directives.

The Brussels body wrote to Hungary, which now has two months to make the necessary changes.

Brussels also indicated on Wednesday that it could refer Hungary to the European Court of Justice if it continues to undermine the EU’s common position in arbitration proceedings between states and European investors under the Energy Charter Treaty. Hungary also has two months to take the necessary steps in this case.


There are now roughly 300-350 thousand weapons legally held by Hungarian citizens, including sporting, sport-hunting and self-defense weapons, as well as weapons held for work purposes. People who hold weapons legally are must have a clean criminal record, as certain offenses can automatically result in their weapons being confiscated, wrote Magyar Nemzet.

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Via Világgazdaság; Featured picture: MTI/Bodnár Boglárka

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