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The legendary actor Bill Murray is in Hungary. However, he did not come to the country to shoot a film, but to visit an old friend, Blikk reports. It is said that he arrived in Hungary a few days ago in complete secrecy: apart from his hosts and the lucky few who met him by chance, no one knew about his visit.
The Ghostbusters actor, accompanied by his Hungarian friends, paid a visit to a museum of cars and motorcycles in Dörgicse (western Hungary, near Lake Balaton) on Monday afternoon. Professor Géza Kaáli, the owner of the Kaáli Car and Motorcycle Museum, personally showed the famous actor around, with whom he quickly found a common voice, as his decades-long acting career coincided with Kaáli’s visit to the United States. “I could not believe my ears when on Sunday afternoon the world-famous American actor Bill Murray booked a private guided tour of my car and motorcycle museum in Dörgicse,” Géza Kaáli told Beol.hu.
Few people get the chance to talk to a Golden Globe-winning legend for hours without interruption. He told me that in most of the car chase scenes, the actor was driving himself, getting his adrenaline pumping,”
Kaáli said.
As it turned out, Bill Murray himself is a lover of vintage cars.
“He loves and collects old cars, but he was visibly impressed by my collection. As a world star, he never had his ‘star car,’ the Facel Vega II (1962).
Now was the chance to sit in the jewel of the museum with him and drive a car that Bill had only seen in the company of Ringo Starr. We swapped places halfway through and he drove back.
He drove with enormous confidence and his trademark ear-to-ear smile,” the professor recounted the unusual experience with enthusiasm. He added that Murray called it “one of the greatest car driving memories of his life.”
Rear view of a Facel Vega II. Photo: Wikipedia
Via Blikk, Beol.hu, Featured image: Wikipedia