The collection is on display in Hungary for the first time.Continue reading
From November 29 to December 1, Art Weekend Budapest will unfold across over thirty cultural venues, galleries, studios, and exhibition spaces.
Art Weekend Budapest – már készülünk – Készülj Te is a 11.29-12.01-i programokra
Közzétette: Artnesz Képzőművészeti Ügynökség – 2024. szeptember 27., péntek
This event, taking place during the first weekend of Advent, invites visitors to join guided art walks along various routes three times daily. Participants can enjoy brief 15-20 minute tours of each exhibition space.
The theme for this year’s program is “movement.”
In line with this concept, Art Weekend Budapest has joined The Spider online community, which connects major European art weeks and gallery weekends. Notably, a gallery and studio from Eger (northern Hungary) will participate as a satellite venue for the first time, as stated by Eszter Őry, the professional director of the organizing ArtNESZ Fine Arts Agency.
Additionally, the event will feature a Moving Image Night and a panel discussion at the Manyi Cultural Workshop (Budapest) on November 30, during the afternoon and evening.
The “Képező” Galery will host educational programs, while the Bura Gallery will present the central exhibition, showcasing group presentations by young Roma artists along with various surprises.
This year’s second Art Weekend Budapest will be hosted by the Vienna Art Week (VAW) organizing team. For further details about the program, visit artnesz.hu.
Via MTI; Featured Image: Pixabay