NGOs critical of the government are also represented in the group.Continue reading
Opposition-affiliated NGOs involved in protests against the government in Hungary will receive 1.4 billion forints (around 4 million euros) in direct EU funds “to defend and promote the rule of law, democracy, equality, and human rights,” Magyar Nemzet reports.
According to the article, Momentum (Renew) MEP Anna Donáth called the EU funding a great success.
The money will be distributed among Hungarian NGOs through a tender system,” Donáth wrote.
The EU will distribute this funding directly to NGOs, without any interference from member state governments,
she added.
The funding is given to a four-member consortium led by the Ökotárs Foundation, which stated that it will provide support through open tenders over the next three years to “domestic NGOs working to protect and promote the rule of law, democracy, equality, and human rights.”
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