The aim of the amendment is to ensure that newborns are placed with caring families as quickly as possible.Continue reading
At 3:45 a.m. on Monday morning, a newborn baby was found in the baby incubator of the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital in Kecskemét (central Hungary), writes Magyar Nemzet.
The staff on duty at the children’s department named the baby girl Abigél Kecskeméti. The tests showed that Abigél is healthy, weighing 1,950 grams and measuring 44 cm. She is still awaiting a thorough check-up and the necessary treatment and vaccinations.
The newborn baby can be safely placed anonymously in the infant rescue incubator at the Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital in Kecskemét.
The built-in system automatically notifies the hospital staff – delayed to allow time for anonymity – when a baby is placed in the incubator. The alarm was detected by security, and the staff on duty in the children’s ward were alerted, who went to the baby’s side with a portable incubator and placed it in a safe place.
Abigél is the sixth baby to be left anonymously in the incubator of Kecskemét hospital recently.
Newborn babies, who for some reason cannot or do not want to be kept by their mothers, can be placed in baby-saving incubators throughout Hungary after a crisis pregnancy (unplanned or unwanted pregnancy), saving their lives.
According to figures from October 2022, over 150 babies have already been saved by the baby rescue incubators that have appeared near an increasing number of hospitals in Hungary since 1996. The incubators offer a way for mothers to give up their babies after birth without risking the health of their babies or putting themselves in danger. The initiative is part of a nationwide newborn rescue program: If the baby is simply abandoned by its mother, it is a criminal offense and in many cases the baby will die. However, if she places it in one of these incubators instead, it is a closed adoption and has no legal consequences for the birth mother.
Via Magyar Nemzet; Featured image via Facebook/Bács-Kiskun Vármegyei Oktatókórház