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Air Force Participates in NATO Exercise with Gripen Fighter Jets in the Czech Republic

Hungary Today 2024.05.29.

In order to maintain and further develop operational capabilities, it is of paramount importance for the Hungarian Air Force to exercise in a large group, integrated into a NATO unit. These international training opportunities are important in maintaining high standards and to continuously train pilots, Honvedelem.hu reports.

The priority of the Lion Effort exercise was the composite air operations (COMAO) tasks. In addition, the pilots performed one on one air combat exercises and had the opportunity to practice close air combat against Eurofighter aircraft.

Photo: Facebook/21. základna taktického letectva Čáslav „Zvolenská“


From May 9-27, 2024, the Czech Air Force 21st Tactical Air Force Base Čáslav hosted the multinational exercise “Lion Effort 2024” (LE24), training approximately 500 service personnel, roughly 150 of whom were international participants.

Lion Effort is the fifth iteration of an air exercise for countries operating the JAS-39 Gripen aircraft, also known as the Gripen Users Group (GUG). In 2009, the exercise took place in Hungary, the second issue was hosted by the Kingdom of Sweden in 2012, the third edition was held in the Czech Republic in 2015, and the fourth in the series again in Hungary in 2018. In 2021, the exercise was cancelled due to the COVID pandemic.

The training included the JAS-39 Gripen aircraft of the Hungarian Defense Forces, together with the host Czechs, and the new NATO member Sweden, from the countries operating Gripen aircraft. The Thai Air Force was present with observers and had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of the two-seater aircraft.

Photo: Facebook/MH vitéz Szentgyörgyi Dezső 101. Repülődandár

German Eurofighters and Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft, as well as Polish F-16s, were also involved in some of the exercises.

Photo: Facebook/MH vitéz Szentgyörgyi Dezső 101. Repülődandár

During the first week, the Ramstein Guard exercise was combined by the hosts with the Lion Effort, and Draken International secured the flights in an electronic warfare environment with various types of jamming.

Photo: Facebook/21. základna taktického letectva Čáslav „Zvolenská“

The pilots of the Hungarian Defense Forces’ 101st Airborne Brigade and their flight crew demonstrated their readiness during this exercise, and their expertise and performance were highly appreciated by the other nations, the portal writes.

Next Gen Hungarian Air Force Fighter Jets on the Horizon
Next Gen Hungarian Air Force Fighter Jets on the Horizon

The Air Force's current Gripen fleet is ageing, so a replacement could not come soon enough.Continue reading

Via Honvedelem.hu; Army.cz; Featured image: Facebook/21. základna taktického letectva Čáslav „Zvolenská“

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