The deadly dog jumps on at the Buda Castle now have their own website and Facebook page.Continue reading
Continuation of professional activities on a high level for the survival of the Hungarian dog breeds is unthinkable today without the use of the results and tools of modern science.
A new milestone has bee accomplished in order to promote the survival of the Hungarian dog breeds – Komondor, Kuvasz, Puli, Pumi, Mudi, Hungarian Pointing Dog, Wirehaired Hungarian Pointing Dog, Erdélyi Kopó, Magyar Agár. To coordinate professional activities for the preservation of genetic diversity, Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, Rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine, and Daniel Fernandez Diaz, President of HUKOSZ – Association of Hungarian Dog Breeds, signed an agreement in Budapest on Wednesday.
Komondors are shepherd dogs, fiercely protective of their territory. Photo: FB Komondor Fajtamentő Alapítvány
The joint activities of the two organizations are aimed at promoting the goal that the Hungarian dog population consists of healthy, purebred individuals born in controlled and verifiable breeding and free of hereditary diseases and disorders, HUKOSZ said in a statement. It is crucial that breeding is based on a continuously renewed knowledge base, scientific publications and other breed preservation initiatives are produced regularly, they added.
The organizations inform each other about the possibilities of applying scientific results and the experience gained in practical work.
The University of Veterinary Medicine contributes with its research results to the creation of a genetic map of Hungarian dog breeds, to the screening of diseases, and to the prevention of their development. The university is also committed to promoting Hungarian dog breeds in teaching and in practice, and to encouraging students to learn more about them.
Via Ungarn Heute, mti.hu. Featured image: Facebook page of Hungária Puli Club