There will also be a youth discount for 12 to 18 years olds.Continue reading
The enchanted path of the Sopron Mountains, the Witches’ Fairytale Trail, has been renewed and offers fairytale quizzes, superstition tree trunks, magical forest plants, and ancient witch songs, reports
The 900-meter-long trail with 10 stations, designed for children of kindergarten and primary school age, offers special challenges, fairytale experiences, and a small gift at the Károly lookout tower buffet when the children collect the seven seals of the trail.
Photo: Facebook/Soproni Téma
“It is a 900-meter-long fairytale trail based on the theme ‘Witches in the Forest.’ We have tried to include information about the animals and plants of the forest in addition to the mystical elements, so that children not only have fun but also learn about the forest ecosystem at a young age,” said Dr. Gyula Sándor, the general director of TAEG Tanulmányi Erdőgazdaság Zrt. at the inauguration ceremony.
Photo: Facebook/Soproni Téma – hivatalos oldal
The condition of the equipment at the nature trail, inaugurated in 2018, had deteriorated due to weather and man-made damage, making it necessary to replace it, he said of the renovation funded by the company. “We hope that with the arrival of good weather, many parents and grandparents will visit the trail with their children,” the CEO added.
Photo: Facebook/Soproni Téma
The group “Misi Squirrel” from the local day care center tried out the path right after the opening on Thursday. The smiling faces of the children are proof of the success of the renovation.
Photo: Facebook/Farkas Ciprián
via, Featured image: Facebook/Soproni Téma – hivatalos oldal