Political buzzwords and demonstrations will not solve the challenges of climate protection, Áder said.Continue reading
Transport emissions have grown significantly in the European Union and Hungary over the past 30 years even as total carbon emissions have fallen, President János Áder said in his Blue Planet (Kék bolygó) podcast on Monday.
“If we are to take [EU climate goal] carbon neutrality by 2050 seriously, we will have to reduce the carbon footprint of transport,” Áder said in a discussion with Dániel Kőszegi, the owner of Electromega, a company manfacturing electric garbage trucks.
Kőszegi said the zero emission vehicles can complete a shift without having to recharge. Although they cost almost double the price of diesel trucks, the investment is returned in 6-8 years, with fuel and servicing significantly cheaper than that of traditional trucks, he added.
Featured photo by Noémi Bruzák/MTI