"Even in more fortunate parts of Europe, there is no such large-scale pediatric medicine."Continue reading
Chuck Norris and his wife are encouraging donations in a video message as part of the public media’s ‘Good to be Good!’ (Jónak lenni jó!) campaign, so that as many people as possible join them and support the Tábitha Pediatric Hospice House and the construction of a new institution, reports Magyar Nemzet.
The project has already begun, but more help is needed to complete it, and
Chuck Norris and his wife Gena O’Kelley, along with several Hungarian celebrities, were delighted to join the cause this year.
One of the world’s most popular action movie stars released a video message in Hungarian. The 84-year-old veteran actor donated one of his iconic cowboy hats, which he has worn many times, to the initiative. The item can already be found on the ‘Good to be Good!’ page, where the Herendi vase with the world star’s signature can also be seen. Both items will be auctioned off by the public media and can be purchased during the all-day program on December 22.
This is not the first time that the celebrity has joined the Good to be Good! initiative; in 2021, he donated a signed book as part of a fundraising campaign for COVID orphans.
In addition to the hat of the American karate champion and actor, items from Hungarian ambassadors of goodwill such as Paralympian Fanni Illés and national football team goalkeeper Dénes Dibusz will also be on sale. Some special items will be auctioned during the live show on December 22.
Fanni Illés, Paralympic swimmer, charity ambassador of this year’s ‘Good to be Good!’ campaign, visits the Tábitha Pediatric Hospice House. Photo: MTI/Bruzák Noémi
Beatrix Siklósi, the project manager of Good to be Good!, emphasized that her international campaign has been an exemplary collaboration for thirteen years, creating a bridge between Hungary, donors, and those in need and forming a collective force. The past 12 years have been characterized by love and the work of the Tábitha Pediatric Hospice House is based on this foundation, even if the approaching Christmas brings a painful topic to the surface, said the project manager.
Beatrix Siklósi recalled that in recent years, in addition to private individuals, actors and athletes have also supported the noble cause, even from abroad, such as actors Bud Spencer and Jean-Paul Belmondo, and Pope Francis.
Béla Szilágyi, President of the Hungarian Baptist Aid, supporting the initiative, explained about the pediatric hospice that 350 affected families have received help in the house since its opening, with 160 parents having lost a child but “holding hands” since then. A new home is now being built so that as many people as possible can benefit from this help, and it is hoped that this modern facility will open its doors in the near future, he added.
Gábor Benyó, medical director of the Tábitha Pediatric Hospice House, stressed that the facility, where children suffering from chronic illnesses or at the end of their lives, and families in difficult situations can receive help with understanding, love, and care, is unique in Hungary. He pointed out that the capacity of the home is currently five beds, but the need is much greater.
Every year, 1,500 children die in Hungary, and the number of deaths from illnesses is between 700 and 800 per year,
according to the medical director.
A contribution of HUF 500 (EUR 1.20) can be made to the campaign by calling the donation hotline at 1355 or sending an SMS. The fundraising runs until December 22.
Via Magyar Nemzet; Featured image via Facebook/Tábitha ház