The government's position remains firm that they will not accede to any request from Brussels to abolish Hungarian family benefits and the cuts in public utility bills.Continue reading
The bureaucracy in Brussels and the President of the European Commission have targeted the Hungarian cuts in energy prices, and are trying to “blackmail” the country into paying market prices instead of official prices, which would be an “unacceptable burden” for the Hungarian population, the Prime Minister’s political director told Kossuth Radio’s Sunday Newspaper (Vasárnapi újság) program.
Balázs Orbán said that a Brussels document had been published clearly expecting the government to change the system of public prices in exchange for various subsidies, some of them EU funds.
The consequences of abolishing the cuts would be unforeseeable, as Hungary has the lowest electricity and gas prices in the EU thanks to the policy of cutting prices. The war and the misguided sanctions have pushed up energy prices, and this is reflected in the retail side in all EU countries, meaning that residents have to pay the price increases, he added.
He noted that
several countries have tried cost-cutting programs, but none as effective as the Hungarian cuts.
Speaking about the mandatory migrant quota, the politician stressed that according to Brussels’ plans, member states that refuse to implement the quota would have to dismantle the border and reopen tens of thousands of migrant camps and ghettos until their asylum applications are assessed.
For Hungary and Poland, this is unacceptable, as they have fought for many years to dismantle the open camps and establish a border protection that can stop illegal migration and ensure a system for processing applications outside the border.
Balázs Orbán said that, contrary to the European asylum system, Hungary’s position is that these people should not be allowed to enter Europe, the Schengen area. If they want to apply for asylum, they should be allowed to do so outside the Schengen area and only those entitled to refugee status should be allowed to enter, he noted.
Asked what legal and political means are available to block the Brussels plans, he emphasized that while the decision is being taken, they are trying to fight the legislation in every forum. If it is adopted, it will not be implemented, and this is a possibility, as Hungary’s Fundamental Law clearly states its opinion on this issue. This means that
the government has an obligation not to implement such an EU decision if it is adopted.
He added that this could still “put us under EU procedures” and there would be EU legal battles, but it is clear that under Hungarian law the government cannot act otherwise, they cannot contribute to the creation of migrant ghettos.
Via MTI, Featured image via Facebook/Orbán Balázs