Internews used money from the controversial USAID, a tool of the Biden administration to spread democracy.Continue reading
Political pressure groups operating in Hungary have received at least HUF 23 billion (USD 61.8 million) in U.S. government and EU funding, the Sovereignty Protection Office said in its latest statement. In the past year, the office has uncovered and published a wealth of information on the key players and background of foreign-funded political interventions.
Based on their investigations, they have found that Hungary is also home to an active political pressure network that serves the goals of the U.S. Democratic Party and its associated business circles, as well as the international progressive ideological camp.
They wrote that the network’s operation in Hungary is ensured by a complex system of foreign funding, which until recently was based on three pillars: U.S. government funds (United States Agency for International Aid, National Endowment for Democracy, State Department); European Commission funds (CERV, LIFE, JUST programs); and their own resources of funds that also redistribute government money (Open Society Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, German Marshall Fund).
Based on the information revealed so far, the Office found that
the Hungarian network received U.S. government and EU funding as follows: USAID alone sent some HUF 3.5 billion (USD 9.4 million) to political pressure groups between 2022 and 2024.
Furthermore, the European Commission has allocated HUF 19.5 billion (USD 52.4 million) from its own programs to political pressure groups until February. The programs, each worth billions and open-ended, will run until the end of the 2021-2027 EU budget cycle, so the Commission is expected to decide on further payments.
“The office is continuously monitoring the information released by the new U.S. administration and the new results of EU tenders. The total budget of the Hungarian network is certainly larger, as governments of some EU and non-EU countries, as well as private foundations and private companies are also involved in funding the political pressure groups,” the statement highlighted.
Since then, the Sovereignty Protection Office has been investigation the organization, and many government politicians spoke out on the matter. In light of the USAID funds stopping, left-wing groups in the European Parliament called on the European Commission to take over funding for NGOs and media outlets.
Via Sovereignty Protection Office, Featured photo via Pixabay