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Opposition Politician Resuscitated after Pro-LGBTQ Stunt Goes Wrong

Hungary Today 2025.03.26.

What started out as an anti-government, foreign-supported “micro Maidan” in Budapest, almost ended in tragedy. A few hundred demonstrators have gathered near Elizabeth bridge in support of the Pride march, but the protest quickly descended into farce.

The demonstration was organized by Ákos Hadházy MP, a politician who had started his career in the colors of the governing FIDESZ party, later switching sides to a green-liberal party called Politics Can be Different (LMP). He is best known for holding up vulgar signs in parliament and for not taking his oath as an MP after being elected in the 2022 national elections as the candidate of the joint left.

The demonstrators were unhappy with the new law regulating the right of assembly in view of protecting children from harmful and sexual scenes, because they saw it as an attack on the annual Pride marches. Although the amendment is much broader than just focusing on the Pride alone, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has clearly indicated that he has the LGBTQ propaganda event in his cross hairs, when he said that this year Pride organizers should not bother making preparations.

German Green MEP Daniel Freund joins the anti-government protest in Budapest. Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán

In a clear violation of the rules of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, German Green Party MEP Daniel Freund has also appeared on the podium as one of the speakers.

The radical left-wing politician, known for his long campaign against Hungary’s democratically elected government, spoke about no less than Central European nations ability to “overthrow authoritarian regimes”, and called out the Orbán government’s alleged corruption.”

In an social media post he later wrote – “Our message to the corrupt Orban regime: Stop stealing our freedoms. Stop stealing our money!” He also called for strengthening Europe by stripping the Hungarian government, or “Orbán”, as he put it, of the right of veto in the European Council.

The anti-government demonstration ended in a farce when opposition politician and activist Bálint Szabó climbed under a police van, and later tried to jump into the river Danube from the bridge. After being prevent from doing so by the police, he entered the freezing river from a dock nearby. He was thrown a life jacket by the river patrol but refused to hold on to it. The police boat followed the politician swimming across the river, eventually rescuing him from almost certain death. He showed no signs of life as he was dragged into the boat, but was successfully resuscitated by the officers.

The Budapest Pride march is expected to go ahead despite the new amendment to the child-protection legislation, but participants have been warned that they could be fined should they exhibit behavior deemed to be harmful to the mental development of children.

Amendment Proposed after Pride March Deemed Contrary to Child Protection Legislation
Amendment Proposed after Pride March Deemed Contrary to Child Protection Legislation

The amendment in question would make it illegal to hold gatherings that violate Hungary's child protection laws.Continue reading

Featured Image: MTI/Lakatos Péter

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