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Air Force’s Second Tactical Transport Aircraft Is Taking Shape

Hungary Today 2025.03.17.

An important milestone has been reached for the Hungarian Defense Forces’ second fully NATO-compatible KC-390 Millennium medium tactical transport aircraft, reported Mandiner.

The Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer posted on its social media page that the aircraft made for the Hungarian Air Force has successfully passed the “power on” phase. This process allows the manufacturer to check and test the operation of the electrical systems. The power supply and wiring of the KC-390 Millennium is inspected and the electrical components are tested for proper operation.

If all is well, the aircraft is ready for the next production phase, which involves installing additional systems and preparing for flight tests.

Last September, we reported that the first KC-390 Millennium military transport aircraft arrived at the Szentgyörgyi Dezső 101st Airborne Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces in Kecskemét. This new plane will help modernize the Hungarian air defense system especially because of its versatility. The KC-390 is equipped with an intensive care unit, essential for carrying out medical missions thus enabling it to perform important military and humanitarian missions.

The estimated price for the two aircrafts the Hungarian military purchased is around USD 85 million,

reported Mandiner.


The Embraer KC-390 has a maximum speed of almost 900 km/h, a wingspan of 34 meters, and a range of 6,000 km. It can carry up to 26 tons of cargo and is equipped with cryptographic navigation and communication systems. Its versatility includes troop and cargo transport.

Defense Spending to Guarantee Robust Military Development
Defense Spending to Guarantee Robust Military Development

In 2025, Hungarian defense spending will reach 2 percent of the GDP, again meeting NATO's expectation.Continue reading

Via Mandiner; Featured picture: honvedelem.hu

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