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Survey: Young People Have More Pressing Concerns than Climate Change

MTI-Hungary Today 2025.03.12.

According to a survey conducted by two institutes of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), the perception of the importance of climate change among young people is declining, although the topic remains important.

A joint survey by the Youth Research Institute and the Climate Policy Institute found that the majority of young people aged 15-39 do not support the idea that the fight against climate change should increase the cost of living.

The majority of Hungarians aged 15-39 feel that we are more concerned about climate change today than five years ago, yet there is still a minority who think we should be talking more about the issue.

Young people are most interested in the future, and within that they are more concerned about family, relationships, livelihood, health, and the international and domestic political situation than climate change. This cannot be divorced from the world’s uncertainty, as the age group described 2024, as a year of difficult and turbulent change.

The survey found that

a majority of young people (63%) said it would be unacceptable if the fight against climate change meant making their livelihoods more expensive, with only a third (32%) saying they would make financial sacrifices in the name of climate change.

If there was one thing they would definitely have to give up to fight climate change, it would be traveling abroad (27%) and buying new clothes (25%), followed by eating certain foods (17%), then driving (14%) and having children (10%), the survey stated.

Young people were also asked to what extent they agree with the statement that having more children is not necessary for the survival of the planet. 39% of respondents rejected this statement, 26% agreed, and the remainder were unsure or did not answer the question.

The online representative opinion poll was conducted in January, by surveying 1,000 Hungarian citizens aged 15-39.

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Via MTI; Featured picture: Pexels

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