Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó described the situation as "pathetic and childish."Continue reading
“Scandalous things are happening in Poland; if only one tenth of the current atrocities were committed by a patriotic government, all existing rule of law procedures would have been launched in Brussels,” Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.
The chief diplomat wrote that Poland was experiencing “the arrest of opposition MPs, political purges in the courts, the illegal replacement of the prosecutor, and the violent seizure of public television,” in a recent post at the end of his visit to Warsaw.
“If a conservative, patriotic government were to commit a tenth of the misdeeds, every existing rule of law procedure in Brussels would have been launched, but now that it is being done by a government that is absolutely loyal to Brussels, nobody has any objections,” he emphasized. “It is no wonder that the Polish opposition is gaining strength, as shown by the growing support for the National Movement,” which is part of the Confederation of Freedom and Independence political alliance (Konfederacja for short), said Péter Szijjártó.
It is a great gain for the Patriots that we are now part of the same group in the European Parliament, working together against migration, for sovereignty, for freedom, for the defense of Christian values and for families,”
he said.
“We had a great meeting with the vice president of the Konfederacja party alliance, Krzysztof Bosak, and his team,” explained the minister.
“We emphasized our common position on preserving the independence of our countries and defending the values that form the basis of our identity –
Poland and Hungary have always stood side by side in the fight for freedom and justice, and this will not change,”
wrote MP Michał Wawer after the meeting.
Dziś w Warszawie miałem przyjemność uczestniczyć w spotkaniu wicemarszałka @krzysztofbosak z węgierskim ministrem spraw zagranicznych Péterem Szijjártó i ambasadorem Istvánem Íjgyártó.
Podkreśliliśmy wspólne stanowisko w sprawie zachowania niezależności naszych państw i obrony… pic.twitter.com/9PLguL9sfL
— Michał Wawer (@MichalWawer) February 4, 2025
Bosak revealed that the meeting with the Hungarian Foreign Minister on Tuesday, among other topics, focused on the challenges facing Europe, Poland, and Hungary in connection with Donald Trump’s presidency and the fight against “harmful regulations of the European Union.”
On the same day, Szijjártó took part in an informal meeting of EU Ministers for Competitiveness and Trade in Warsaw, which was held as part of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU. In his X-contribution, Bosak praised “the exchange with experienced, well-informed people who share fundamental, conservative, and European values.” He was referring to the Hungarian chief diplomat and ambassador István Íjgyártó.
Jeszcze parę zdjęć z dzisiejszego lunchu z szefem węgierskiej dyplomacji. Minister Peter Szijjarto to, mimo średniego wieku, jeden z najbardziej doświadczonych szefów dyplomacji w UE. Kieruje węgierskim MSZ już ponad dekadę i odbył niezliczoną liczbę spotkań międzynarodowych. W… pic.twitter.com/A1Q6jNHLv5
— Krzysztof Bosak (@krzysztofbosak) February 4, 2025
Via MTI, Ungarn Heute, Featured photo via Péter Szijjártó Facebook