The phenomenon is known as attentional blindness.Continue reading
The Developmental and Translational Neuroscience Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is conducting a large-scale study involving over 300 children and adolescents. Nóra Bunford, head of the research team, told Index that about 64 percent of the overlap between ADHD and alcohol dependence is due to shared genetic factors.
ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is also a problem for many families in Hungary. According to some surveys, eight to ten percent of children may be affected by this disorder. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder with the core symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity as well as accompanying symptoms such as poor impulse control.
The [MTA] research looks at which adolescents are more likely to exhibit problematic behaviors that are particularly relevant to ADHD years later,”
Nóra Bunford, head of the research team, told Index. In addition to the genetic and electrophysiological tests, experts observe the children’s behavior and measure their so-called “self-assessments” in interviews.
Bunford, who graduated in the United States, explained that they measure aggression, delinquency, risky attitudes and behaviors for relevant behaviors. “According to current knowledge, the development of ADHD is the result of the interaction of several genes and the combined effect of environmental factors. External factors such as lifestyle or various environmental influences can play an important role in the development of the disorder,” she said.
When asked if there is a link between children diagnosed with ADHD and later addictions, Dr. Bunford said that children with ADHD usually start using or trying chemical substances earlier, adding that the same applies to alcohol consumption. They are more likely to become addicted faster and to a greater degree, she noted.
Findings suggest that individuals with a higher genetic risk of ADHD may also be at higher risk of developing problematic alcohol use. Studies involving twins have also shown that about 64 percent of the overlap between ADHD and alcohol dependence can be attributed to shared genetic factors,”
explained Bunford, who emphasized that not all people with ADHD have the same biological pattern or outcomes.
When asked by Index whether the number of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is increasing or whether it was the same 30 years ago but the system did not screen them out, she said that unfortunately there is no clear answer. Dr. Bunford added reassuringly that while the stigmatization of mental disorders is decreasing in societies worldwide, more and more information is available and diagnostic and differential diagnostic tools are constantly being developed. “Whereas just a few decades ago it was assumed that ADHD was a disorder that only affected children, science now shows that ADHD also frequently occurs in adults, that may also contribute to the apparently increasing prevalence,” noted the psychologist.
Via Index, Featured image: Pixabay