The new facility will increase the total capacity of energy storage facilities currently operating in Hungary by 20 percent.Continue reading
Hungarian households had the cheapest access to electricity and gas in the first half of 2024, according to Eurostat’s latest aggregate data. Hungarians have been paying the lowest prices for the two most important energy sources for a long time thanks to the cuts in the electricity and gas bills, writes Magyar Nemzet.
The Ministry of Energy said in a statement that the cuts had worked and that the Hungarian government will maintain the measure despite the constant attacks from Brussels and the left. In addition to affordable prices, the high level of gas stocks will guarantee a secure supply for domestic users during the current heating season.
The ministry emphasized that the Hungarian Energy and Utilities Regulatory Authority (MEKH) prepares monthly international price comparisons on the development of electricity prices for European households.
Based on the results of the latest survey carried out in September, it is clear that Hungarian families receive the cheapest electricity and natural gas in Europe.
Looking at EU figures, Swedish households at the other end of the scale pay 12 times more for gas than Hungarians, Dutch households six times more, and Italian, Portuguese, and French households five times more. For electricity, the cost surplus is four times higher for Germans, Irish, English, and Czechs.
According to the Hungarian power compay MVM Group, nine out of ten consumption points are charged only at reduced prices for natural gas and eight out of ten for electricity. Up to the average consumption, families above the band limit can also benefit from reduced energy prices.
The positive effects of the cuts are confirmed by international research by Századvég, showing that Hungarian families have the least heating difficulties in the European Union.
Only seven percent of Hungarian respondents reported that they could not heat their homes properly, by far the lowest rate in the 27 Member States and less than a third of the EU average.
“So the utility cost reduction, unique in Europe, is working. This is why the Hungarian government is doing everything it can to preserve the measure, despite regular calls from Brussels and the left to end it. The government is also guaranteeing a secure supply for domestic consumers: already at the beginning of autumn this year, there was more gas in domestic storage than the total amount used up in the previous heating season,” the Ministry of Energy posted on Facebook.
Via Magyar Nemzet; Featured image via Pixabay