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“To be Hungarian is to fight” – Viktor Orbán Delivers his 1956 Anniversary Speech

Hungary Today 2024.10.23.

We have come together to pay tribute to the heroes of the 1956 Revolution and to salute them, Viktor Orbán said at a ceremony held in Millenáris Park in Budapest, marking the 68th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence, reported Magyar nemzet.

“When danger approaches, we must unite, and Hungarians are a proud and stubborn people, but they abide by the rule of unity, because without unity there is no freedom. The revolution was preceded by a series of setbacks. In January 1956 an earthquake shook the country, and in March an icy flood flood flooded the Danube region. Adults and children died. Hundreds of families were made homeless and thousands of people were displaced,” he recalled. He added:

It was a wake-up call, time to prepare for the great times that require unity.

October 1956 has written the names of brave Hungarians in gold in the nation’s great history book, Mr Orbán said. According to the Prime Minister, history left the shores of history in the autumn of 1956 because Hungary could no longer tolerate the oppression of the Soviet empire, because Hungarians are a freedom-loving people. – The Hungarians have never been invaded or tamed by any invader. Soviet oppression deprived Hungarian families of generations of work. It wanted to put them at the service of the empire instead of the national interest. After a devastating world war, a puppet government was put in our place. A puppet government in which collaborationist Hungarians sat, the Prime Minister recalled.

According to the Prime Minister,

empires like to hide their brutal faces, they like to be invited in, and they will do everything in their power to have Hungarians who invite them in.

Referring to the war in Ukraine, he said that hundreds of thousands of people had died on the front line, and the European economy had been shot in the lungs. The chances are growing that the war will spread, and if it does, who knows where it will stop. We have not been this close to a world war in the last 70 years. The king is naked: the Brussels bureaucrats have led the West into a hopeless war,” he noted.

They want to drag the whole EU into the war. The victory plan is to extend the war, to invite Ukraine to NATO, to move the war to Russian soil. According to the plan, once victory is won on the Eastern front, Ukraine will take over from the Americans and take over the security of the whole of Europe with its own reinforced army. So we Hungarians may one day wake up to find Slavic soldiers from the East stationed on Hungarian territory, he warned.

We do not want that, Viktor Orbán said. He added that the pressure from Brussels is growing on the country and on the government. We Hungarians must also decide whether we want to go to war against Russia. For us, the lesson of 1956 is that we must fight only for Hungary and for Hungarian freedom, he said. He added that “we can do the most for Hungarian freedom by not taking part in other people’s wars”. The Prime Minister said that the entire European economy would be destroyed in this war, and millions of people would be ruined if we let it continue.

Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd

In Brussels they have announced that they will get rid of Hungary’s government, and they have also announced that they will put a puppet government from Brussels at the head of Hungary, the Prime Minister pointed out, alluding to opposition leader Péter Magyar. Here again is the old question: do we bow to the will of a foreign power or do we resist it? According to Viktor Orbán, this is the difficult decision Hungary must make.

“I propose that our response should be as clear and unequivocal as it was in 1956,” he said.

We will not take part in any imperial rivalry. We do not believe in any ideologies that make the world happy, no matter whether they come from the East or the West,

the Prime Minister said, adding that Hungarians only want to live in peace in the Carpathian Basin.

He reminded that Hungarians do not get scared when they are blackmailed by the current empire. “We know that they want to force us into war, they want to impose migrants on us, they want to hand our children over to gender activists. We know that they have the puppet government and the party, they have the man for it. He is ideal candidate to head a puppet government,” Viktor Orbán said.

He said that patriots are still fighting for Hungarian freedom today, but only actions count. “The whole country has seen what the European Parliament has done. We defended Hungarian interests and freedom against the imperialist policies of the European Union.

In contrast, the opposition offered its services to the empire. It is an internationalist tradition to betray the homeland and to betray the family.

Old opposition, new opposition, only the label changes. The new opposition is doing what the old one did, calling foreigners against Hungarians, he added.

Mr Orbán recalled that in 1956 there was unity, there was will, but there was not enough strength for sovereign action. “Today, there is strong national unity behind the right-wing government, there is a common will, and today unity and will are accompanied by strength.

To be Hungarian is to fight.

This is what the heroes of ’56 teach us and demand of us. We will not tolerate Hungary being made a puppet state again, a vassal of Brussels. We Hungarians will do it again”, the Prime Minister concluded.

Via Magyar nemzet; Featured Image: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd

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