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Internationally Significant Medical Conference in Gyula a Landmark Event

Hungary Today 2024.10.08.

For one day, Hungarian medicine is turning its attention to Gyula (southeastern Hungary), where the Hungarian Onco-Diabetology Association is organizing a world-first oncodiabetology event on October 11. The main aim is to bring together medical specialties involved in the prevention, detection, and treatment of obesity, diabetes, and cancer under the umbrella of holistic medicine, writes Index.

On October 11, the First Hungarian Oncometabolic and Onco-Diabetology Conference on the links between malignancies, diabetes, and obesity will take place in the Almásy Castle in Gyula. Distinguished representatives from oncology, internal medicine, endocrinology, diabetology, and obesitology will give lectures and chair sessions.

The main objective of the event is to bring together under the umbrella of holistic medicine the medical specialties involved in the prevention, detection, and treatment of obesity, diabetes, and cancer,

which have been either distanced from each other or have developed and operated separately in recent decades, the conference organizers emphasized in a statement.

This enables a new kind of interdisciplinary (interprofessional) communication that did not exist before at the medical, regional, national, and international levels, and was only possible for individual patients, or often not even then.

Bringing co-professionals closer together is in the common interest of doctors and patients, as it will provide colleagues with up-to-date information that can be a “goldmine” for patient recovery.

There is no systematic multidisciplinary platform for this in Hungary, or even in the world,

the communication points out. The doors of the conference are open to all interested specialists, general practitioners, and professionals – subject to valid registration.

HUN-REN Researchers Investigate the Link between Obesity and Cancer
HUN-REN Researchers Investigate the Link between Obesity and Cancer

Most recently, obesity was identified as a major risk factor during the COVID pandemic.Continue reading

The high-level scientific conference is also the introductory event of the Gyula-based Hungarian Onco-Diabetology Association (MODE), a medical professional organization founded by Dr. Róbert János Bánhegyi, clinical oncologist, internist, and hematologist.

Róbert Bánhegyi first drew attention to the link between diabetes and cancer in 2001, and in 2009, he raised the issue of the anti-cancer effects of drugs used to treat diabetes. After a decade and a half of successfully supporting his hypotheses with his own data collection and statistical methods, he has continued to intensively research the relationship between cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

The term of oncodiabetology was formed in 2021, by  Dr. Róbert János Bánhegyi. The new frontier science (and medical concept) aims to investigate the various levels of relationships (oncodiabetological and oncometabolic) between cancer and carbohydrate metabolism disorders, and more widely between malignancies and pathological alterations in the complex metabolism and nutritional status.

An essential goal is to determine the most beneficial cytostatic/antidiabetic drug combination with respect to quality of life and survival, and prevention of diabetes among cancer patients and cancer prevention in diabetic and obese patients.

Dr. Bánhegyi hopes that the new medical organization and its regular events will become a source of pride not only for the city of Gyula and the county of Békés, but also for Hungary, thus enhancing the recognition and scientific reputation of the Békés County Central Hospital.

Hungarian Cancer Drug to Bring a Potential Breakthrough in Treatment
Hungarian Cancer Drug to Bring a Potential Breakthrough in Treatment

More effective targeted therapy could improve patients' chances of survival.Continue reading

Via Index; Featured image via Pixabay

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