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Geszt, 2024. október 3. Gulyás Gergely, a Miniszterelnökséget vezető miniszter és Vitályos Eszter kormányszóvivő a Kormányinfó sajtótájékoztatón a kormány kihelyezett ülésén Geszten 2024. október 3-án. MTI/Czeglédi Zsolt

Following the government’s meeting in Geszt (southeastern Hungary), a press briefing was held during which Government Spokeswoman Eszter Vitályos and Minister Gergely Gulyás discussed key national issues.

The discussion ranged from economic relief measures to housing and migration, underscoring the government’s commitment to tackling challenges affecting Hungarian families and securing national sovereignty.

Economic Measures and Protection Against Inflation
Eszter Vitályos began by highlighting ongoing efforts to curb inflation and protect consumers. She noted that the Government’s inflation-reducing measures are already in place and will continue: “we have introduced initiatives aimed at decreasing inflation, and the government remains dedicated to ensuring that the burden on citizens is alleviated.”

Minister Gulyás supported this by discussing how economic policies are being shaped to keep household finances stable. He pointed out:

the government’s focus is on preserving the purchasing power of Hungarian citizens.”

The government also emphasized support for families, especially pensioners, ensuring that they remain a focal point during these challenging times. Ms. Vitályos reaffirmed: “families and pensioners will not be left behind.”

Migration and Economic Security
Migration remains a critical security and economic issue, with Mr. Gulyás stressing that it presents not only a challenge to Hungary but to Europe as a whole. This stance reflects Hungary’s policy of keeping its borders secure from potential economic and security risks linked to uncontrolled migration. The Government’s firm stance on border control is seen as essential to safeguarding Hungary’s sovereignty and its economy.

Energy Independence and Renewables
The ongoing European energy crisis was another major topic, with Minister Gulyás laying out the Government’s strategy for boosting energy self-sufficiency. He highlighted the importance of green energy investments:

we aim to strengthen Hungary’s energy independence by expanding our reliance on renewables such as solar and wind power.”

Vitályos also underlined the necessity of this transition: “Our reliance on foreign energy sources must be reduced. Renewable energy is the path forward.”

Hungary among Europe's Leaders in Solar Energy Production
Hungary among Europe's Leaders in Solar Energy Production

In 2023 Hungary had the third highest share of solar power in electricity generation in the world.Continue reading

Housing Initiatives for Families
Addressing the housing situation, both Ms. Vitályos and Mr. Gulyás touched on the need for affordable housing options, especially for young families. The spokeswoman remarked:

we want to ensure that young families have access to affordable homes and can build their future in Hungary.”

Gulyás elaborated on infrastructure projects, commenting: “the government’s infrastructure investments, particularly in housing, are part of a broader economic development strategy that prioritizes families.”

National Sovereignty and EU Relations
The press briefing also touched on Hungary’s position within the EU, particularly regarding national sovereignty. Minister Gulyás was clear about the government’s approach:

Hungary will always protect its sovereignty and will not allow outside forces to dictate its internal affairs.”

Vitályos reinforced this sentiment, adding: “Brussels cannot impose policies on Hungary that go against our national interests. Our decisions will always prioritize the well-being of Hungarian citizens.” The government remains firm in balancing its relationship with the EU while ensuring that Hungary retains control over its domestic policies.

Commission Refers Hungary to EU Court over Sovereignty Protection Law
Commission Refers Hungary to EU Court over Sovereignty Protection Law

In the view of the EU Commission the law may have a stigmatizing effect.Continue reading

Opposition’s Actions and Criticism
The opposition’s current activities were also addressed, with Gulyás responding to the criticism that had been voiced in recent days.

He dismissed the opposition’s accusations regarding the government’s handling of economic and social policies.

The Minister emphasized that the measures taken by the government, particularly those related to inflation, are aimed at helping Hungarian families. He added: “the opposition’s constant criticism is unfounded, as we have continually prioritized the well-being of Hungarian citizens.”

The government’s spokeswoman echoed this sentiment, pointing out that the opposition’s stance does not reflect the majority of the Hungarian population:

the opposition is trying to create division, but the government’s policies are in line with what Hungarian citizens want.”

The government press briefing highlighted the administration’s multifaceted approach to current national challenges. Both Vitályos and Gulyás presented a unified message: Hungary will continue to prioritize its citizens’ welfare, securing its borders and working towards energy independence, all while maintaining its position within the European Union without compromising sovereignty.

PM Orbán: "We are not glad that we were right about migration"
PM Orbán:

Viktor Orbán delivered a speech on the occasion of the opening session of the National Assembly.Continue reading

Via MTI; Featured Image: MTI / Czeglédi Zsolt

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