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High-speed Oval Automotive Test Track, Unique in Europe, to be Completed in 2025

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.10.02.

The new part of the ZalaZONE automotive test track, the High-Speed Oval, allowing experts to carry out tests at speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour, is expected to be fully completed by spring 2025, the HUMDA Hungarian Mobility Development Agency announced on Tuesday.

According to the statement, the construction of the 4,500-meter-long oval track was carried out with a special SMB Strabag Max Bögl asphalt paver, which was used to make the 47-degree parabolic curves. There are only two special machine chains in the world that are suitable for the construction of parabolic bends, they pointed out.

Thanks to its design, the oval track allows tests to be carried out at speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour.

The aerodynamic tests are carried out to check the aerodynamic resistance and aerodynamic properties of the vehicles. The powertrain tests study long, continuous high-speed driving. Cooling system testing is also important at high speeds, where the operation of cooling systems under full load can be observed, especially during extended periods of continuous load.

The statement also pointed out that for tire and chassis testing, continuous high speeds and banked turns are ideal for measuring tire and chassis stability and durability. High-speed testing of autonomous vehicles is used to analyze the operation of the systems.

The oval track can also be an ideal location for testing the performance and stability of racing cars,

HUMDA explained.

With the completion of the high-speed oval track, ZalaZONE will be able to offer a product portfolio that is unique in Europe, both in the field of traditional tests and new technologies, underlined Zoltán Hamar, CEO of AVL-ZalaZONE, the company operating the automotive test track.


The 250-hectare ZalaZONE test track began construction in 2017, and opened its first elements in 2019, with full capacity reached in 2022. The facility’s 10 different test elements include three specifically designed for testing autonomous vehicles, and an off-road environment has been developed in cooperation with the neighboring Rheinmetall armored vehicle factory. The closest similar facility to the Zala test track is in northern Germany, but once the oval track is completed, Zalaegerszeg (western Hungary) will offer the widest range of testing facilities for customers in Europe. Every European car manufacturer, along with numerous suppliers, will use the Zalaegerszeg test track for projects both large and small.

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Via MTI, Featured image via Facebook/HUMDA Magyar Mobilitás-fejlesztési Ügynökség Zrt.

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