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Matteo Salvini Thanks Viktor Orbán for His Moral Support

Hungary Today 2024.09.17.
PM Viktor Orbán and Matteo Salvini (center) visiting Hungary’s border fence in 2019.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini’s legal troubles have sparked widespread national and international reactions, reports Magyar Nemzet. His trial, initiated by the Palermo prosecutor’s office, centers on his role as Interior Minister, during which he blocked migrant ships from entering Italy, a move seen by his supporters as a defense of national borders.

The Italian government has reacted strongly, with PM Giorgia Meloni warning that the case sets a dangerous precedent. She argued that criminalizing a minister for fulfilling his duties could have serious implications. “it is unbelievable that a minister is facing prison for protecting the country’s borders,” Ms. Meloni remarked. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi called the trial a “macroscopic perversion of justice,” criticizing it as an attack on Italy’s sovereignty.

Several conservative leaders have rallied behind Mr. Salvini. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán praised him as “Europe’s bravest patriot” and condemned the punishment for stopping illegal immigration. PM Orbán questioned,

What is going on?” and underscored that those defending Europe are “constantly being punished.”

Matteo Salvini expressed gratitude for Viktor Orbán’s support, replying, “Trials and threats won’t stop the wind of change and freedom blowing across Europe!”

In addition to the Hungarian Prime Minister, other world leaders like Marine Le Pen from France’s National Rally and Geert Wilders from the Dutch Party for Freedom have expressed solidarity. Salvini, supported by these leaders, emphasized that they will continue to fight together for the protection of their nations’ identities and security.

Meanwhile, Italian opposition figures like Laura Boldrini from the Democratic Party dismissed the notion of political bias, arguing that if convicted, Mr. Salvini should step down from his government role. The national association of Italian prosecutors defended the judiciary’s independence, condemning government attacks as defamatory and warning that such statements undermine trust in democratic institutions and apply undue pressure on the legal system.

Viktor Orbán Discusses EU Presidency Program with Italian PM in Rome
Viktor Orbán Discusses EU Presidency Program with Italian PM in Rome

The heads of government also announced a new area of cooperation between Italy and Hungary.Continue reading

Via Magyar Nemzet; Featured Image: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Szecsõdi Balázs

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