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EU Affairs Minister Critiques Democratic Deficit and Migration Policies of the Union

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.08.26.

Minister for EU Affairs János Bóka criticized the European elite for being out of touch with public opinion on key issues, emphasizing a growing disconnect between decision-makers and the general populace.

At the Tranzit Festival, organized near Lake Balaton, Mr. Bóka argued that European leaders are disregarding the majority’s will on crucial strategic matters, using “political counter-campaigns to exclude from the community those who represent the majority opinion in opposition to their own.”

He described the EU as “a democratic project with great shortcomings,” noting that while public opinion once aligned with decision-makers, this alignment has eroded.

The Minister specifically criticized the EU’s migration pact, labeling it inadequate and stating that “the hysteria surrounding migration has now reached the point where it is not possible to deviate from the opinion of the European elite with impunity.”

Gábor Fűrész, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Századvég Foundation, supported this view by highlighting that “the opinion of the European political elite and the European electorate is radically different on almost all issues,” suggesting that Hungary’s position on major issues is not isolated.

János Bóka’s remarks reflect a broader discontent with EU policies and an ongoing debate about democratic representation within the union. His critique points to significant concerns about the effectiveness and inclusivity of EU decision-making processes.

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The Hungarian EU Presidency will Keep the Hope for Change Alive - Interview Minister János Bóka

Europe is, first and foremost, an idea.Continue reading

Via MTI; Featured Image: Pixabay

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