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Viktor Orbán Publishes Confidential Letter Addressed to European Council President

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.07.19.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (R) in talks with Charles Michel, President of the European Council (L) in Brussels on July 1, 2024

For the sake of clarity and context, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has decided to publish the summary evaluation of his talks with the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, China and Türkiye, as well as former US President Donald Trump, and his proposals he sent to Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

The Prime Minister hopes that his reports and proposals will prove to be a useful contribution to any initiatives that the President of the European Council may present to EU leaders at an appropriate time and in an appropriate form, the Mr. Orbán’s press chief said. The letter has been made available on the miniszterelnok.hu website.

The Hungarian Prime Minister stresses in his letter that three global players, the European Union, the United States and China, have the power to influence developments. The letter also refers to Türkiye as an important regional player, “the only successful mediator between Ukraine and Russia since the outbreak of the hostilities in 2022.”

China, he writes, will continue to call for a ceasefire and peace talks between the two sides.

However, China will only take a more active role if there is a near-certainty of success, which is not the case at the moment,

he adds.

As for the negotiations with the former US president, the letter reads that if Donald Trump is elected president, “he will not wait until his inauguration, but he will be ready to act as a peace broker immediately. He has detailed and well-founded plans for this,” he writes. Viktor Orbán adds that in the event of Mr. Trump’s victory, the financial burden-sharing between the US and the EU will change significantly to the EU’s disadvantage when it comes to financial support for Ukraine.

He also notes that the EU has so far copied the US pro-war policy, but now has the opportunity to change this.

This, he says, would require the reopening of diplomatic channels with Russia and high-level talks with China.

He also advises a coordinated political offensive against the Global South, as he believes, “we have lost concerning our position on the war in Ukraine resulting in the global isolation of the transatlantic community.”


As reported by Hungary Today, as part of his peace mission, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán traveled recently to Kyiv, then met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on the issue of the war in Ukraine. Mr. Orbán also met Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington that took place on July 9-11, calling the Turkish President an important partner in peace negotiations. Most recently, he met former US President Donald Trump at his Florida estate in Mar-a-Lago, where they discussed the prospects for peace.

Kremlin Spokesman Reacts to Viktor Orbán’s Peace Efforts
Kremlin Spokesman Reacts to Viktor Orbán’s Peace Efforts

Dmitry Peskov stressed that the Europeans are trying to condemn the Hungarian Prime Minister for his proposals.Continue reading

Via MTI, miniszterelnok.hu; Featured image: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán

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