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Prof. Frank Füredi: “MEGA” Slogan Prompts Reflection on Europe’s Struggles

Hungary Today 2024.06.20.

Many commentators expressed surprise at Hungary’s adoption of the slogan “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) for its upcoming six-month presidency of the EU Council. Some went as far as suggesting that linking Europe with the idea of greatness was problematic,” stated Frank Füredi, director of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) Brussels, reports hirado.hu.

However, Professor Füredi emphasized that Viktor Orbán’s MEGA slogan serves as a reminder of Europe’s decline over recent decades.

The European economy has lost much of its competitiveness and lags technologically behind the United States and China,” he noted.

As Professor Füredi continued,”once one of the most inspiring and dynamic cultures globally, European culture has been influenced by second-rate Californian values.” He underscored that “geopolitically, Europe has assumed a role as a NATO provider under American dominance.”

Frank Füredi also highlighted that

Western-European elites are fatigued, with diminished expectations and a loss of ambition.”

According to MCC Brussels, these leaders have resigned themselves to Europe’s decline, and the prevailing “Little Europe” approach in Brussels institutions must be challenged. “Therefore, MEGA represents not just a slogan, but a culturally relevant approach.”

"Make Europe great again" - the Priorities of the Hungarian EU Presidency

The logo of the presidency is based on the Rubik's cube, a Hungarian and an internationally renowned invention.Continue reading

Via hirado.hu; Featured Image: frankfuredi.com

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