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Viktor Orbán Could Visit Slovak PM Recovering after Assassination Attempt

Hungary Today 2024.06.06.

In an interview with Mandiner, Viktor Orbán spoke about his relationship with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who is recovering after being shot multiple times by a would be assassin. The statement comes only a day after Mr. Fico released his first video message addressed to the people of Slovakia since being shot by the attacker on May 15. He has put the blame for the incident squarely at the feet of radical left-wing parties’ alleged “instigation.”

I have a special relationship with Fico, who has gone from being an anti-Hungarian politician to a sovereigntist politician,”

said the Hungarian Prime Minister during the interview. “He needs the Hungarian minority in Slovakia to preserve his country’s sovereignty, and it is clear that Slovak-Hungarian cooperation is in the interests of his people. We have now become allies on the European front line, so (at hearing about the attack) my first thought was that we have suffered a serious loss,” said Viktor Orbán.

He also expressed his opinion that there is no doubt that assassination threats exist against politicians in the region. “For months, Slovaks have been provoked against Fico for turning a pro-war country into a pro-peace country. In such a situation, a pro-war person may feel morally empowered to kill the prime minister.”

Asked about a direct contact with his Slovak counterpart, Mr. Orbán said that he only spoke to his people, as Mr. Fico does not even have his own phone out of caution. He accused the progressive left, most likely referring to the far-left party Progressive Slovakia, that they are now trying to destroy Mr. Fico by force, whereas in the past they only employed political means and the criminal justice system. He recalled that Fico was only two parliamentary votes away from prison in the past.

I am looking for the opportunity to visit. I feel it is important to express my personal respect and camaraderie, as well as the good wishes of the Hungarian people.

On June 5, Prime Minister Fico released a video in which he publicly expressed his forgiveness towards his attacker, but also said that the assassination attempt on his life should serve as a warning. He expressed an opinion according to which the attacker was himself a victim of a political hate-campaign perpetrated by Slovakia’s left-wing opposition parties, and accused what he called the “(George) Soros media” of being part of the propaganda aimed at his government.

The most likely recipient of Prime Minister Fico’s accusations, leader of the Progressive Slovakia party, Michal Simecka, expressed his dismay over the above interpretation of the attack, and called Mr. Fico’s views about the “Soros media” a conspiracy theory.

Robert Fico's Attacker Allegedly Disturbed by the Slovak Leader's Attitude towards Hungary
Robert Fico's Attacker Allegedly Disturbed by the Slovak Leader's Attitude towards Hungary

The suspect claims that he did not intend to kill the Prime Minister, only to injure him.Continue reading

Via Mandiner; Featured Image: Facebook/Orbán Viktor

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